Ultrasound Scanning
At Physio Edge, we use ultrasound scanning to assist in diagnosing Musculskeletal (MSK) conditions. MSK ultrasound scanning is a powerful diagnostic tool that helps healthcare professionals assess and diagnose conditions affecting muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, and soft tissues. This non-invasive procedure provides real-time imaging, enabling accurate evaluation and targeted treatment planning.
What is MSK Ultrasound Scanning?
MSK ultrasound scanning uses sound waves to create detailed images of the body’s MSK structures, which are projected onto a screen for easy interpretation.. Unlike X-rays or MRIs, ultrasound doesn’t involve radiation, making it a safe, easily accessible option for patients of all ages.
How is it done?
The process is simple and patient-friendly. A small device called a transducer is gently moved over the skin in the area of interest. A gel is applied to the skin to enhance sound wave transmission (the sound waves don’t transmit easily through air so they need the gel to pass through). The transducer emits sound waves, which bounce off internal structures and are converted into real-time images displayed on a monitor. This allows healthcare providers to visualise the anatomy and find any potential pathology or abnormalities. At Physio Edge we also use the ultrasound for our injection therapy (ultrasound-guided injections).
What is it used for?
Tendon Injuries:
Detecting tears, inflammation, or degeneration in tendons, such as the knee tendons, rotator cuff in the shoulder, Achilles tendon in the ankle, or those affected by tennis or golfer’s elbow.
Ligament Injuries:
Identifying sprains or tears in ligaments like the knee, ankle, or wrist.
Muscle Injuries:
Examining muscle tears, strains, or atrophy e.g in the shoulder or knee.
Joint Conditions:
Diagnosing arthritis, bursitis, or synovitis for eg in the shoulder or hip.
Soft Tissue Masses:
Physiotherapists do not generally assess lumps or bumps
How does it benefit you?
MSK ultrasound scanning offers numerous advantages:
Real-Time Imaging:
Patients can see their internal structures in real time, improving understanding of their condition and treatment options.
No radiation exposure means reduced risks compared to other imaging techniques.
Detailed imaging aids in precise diagnosis and targeted treatment.
Performed in the Physio Edge clinics, avoiding hospital visits
Guided Interventions:
Enables precise therapeutic procedures like injections or aspirations, enhancing their effectiveness.
By offering detailed real-time images, this non-invasive procedure promotes better understanding and effective treatment planning. If you have questions about MSK ultrasound or think you might benefit from this service, reach out to Gill Coates, our Clinical Director.